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Cuebidding in competitive auctions

Do you find that those pesky opponents interfere in your auctions too often! Do they make it difficult to tell partner about your hand. Instead of interferig in your auction, find out how you can turn the tables on them and use that interference to YOUR advantage! Cuebidding in Competitive auctions is a bid designed to give players more flexibility in showing a variety of raises for partner's suit.

Politiques d’annulation: Flexible

Annulation +24h avant le début du cours
Si l'élève annule jusqu’à 1 jour avant le début du cours, il récupère 100% de ce qu’il a payé.

Annulation -24h avant le début du cours
Si l'élève annule moins de 1 jour avant le début du cours, il récupère 50%

Fiche technique de la session


  • Langue: anglais

Outil de bridge

  • Application utilisée: Cours théorique

Informations complémentaires

  • Thème abordé: Cuebidding in competitive auctions


  • Néophyte
  • Petites notions de bridge
  • Joueur occasionnel de salon
  • Joueur de club
  • Joueur de compétition


Notes de Bridge with Patty

5 (27)
Roberto Vaca
Really interesting bridge class and well structured
Really interesting bridge class and well structured
jim winkle
Everything was good except:<br /> * the website crashed when I tried to login; I received a &quot;504 Gateway Time-out&quot; error message, which persisted for several minutes<br /> * there were several errors in the handout.<br /> * it would&#039;ve been helpful to
Everything was good except:
* the website crashed when I tried to login; I received a "504 Gateway Time-out" error message, which persisted for several minutes
* there were several errors in the handout.
* it would've been helpful to have the handout sooner; I found it in my spam folder.
Marg Benian
Patty is an excellent teacher. The break out rooms reinforced the learning. I'll be looking for more of her courses.
Patty is an excellent teacher. The break out rooms reinforced the learning. I'll be looking for more of her courses.
Mollie Wilson
Great teaching and discussions. I am so glad Patty went over the break room exercises since I dod not know that I had to print a worksheet
Great teaching and discussions. I am so glad Patty went over the break room exercises since I dod not know that I had to print a worksheet
Mike Stabler
The content seemed good but the interface was horrible. I left when we were assigned breakout rooms and half the people didn&#039;t have workbooks including me.<br /> There were bandwidth problems which could have been on my end but I pretty much never have that issue.
The content seemed good but the interface was horrible. I left when we were assigned breakout rooms and half the people didn't have workbooks including me.
There were bandwidth problems which could have been on my end but I pretty much never have that issue. And getting signed up was way too hard, including the lack of awareness of the different time zones in the USA.
Also there was no followup such as a recording. If this wasn't free, I'd want my money back.
Kathy Rolfe
Wonderful as always!
Wonderful as always!
Elizabeth Deck
I realize the difficulties in trying to teach around 120 students with varying levels of bridge knowledge. Patty did an excellent job. Very patient and great explanations of why she chose the bids she chose. Looking forward to more courses from her.
I realize the difficulties in trying to teach around 120 students with varying levels of bridge knowledge. Patty did an excellent job. Very patient and great explanations of why she chose the bids she chose. Looking forward to more courses from her.
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